InfoSyEnergy Research and Education Consortium 4th Members-Only Research Workshop

【Date and time】2021.7.27(Tue)  13:30-16:40
【Place】Tokyo Tech Okayama Campus
*This event will be held both face-to-face and online via Zoom
Tentative title】Energy Carrier & Use of Ammonia

≪5th InfoSyEnergy Corporate Advisory Board Meeting≫

The InfoSyEnergy Corporate Advisory Board has its 5th session before the workshop. At the meeting, external members of the consortium (companies, municipalities, research institutes, universities, etc.) received reports on the consortium’s activities and explanations of the schedule for future activities. They also had op portunities to give their opinions.

【Date and time】2021.7.27(Tue)  9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
【Place】Online event held via Zoom

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