Second Open Symposium of InfoSyEnergy Research and Education Consortium and Sixth Open Symposium of Global Hydrogen Energy Unit Held Jointly.[Important] These symposia were changed to a combined online-only event.

【Organizers】Tokyo Institute of Technology InfoSyEnergy Research and Education Consortium and
Tokyo Institute of Technology Global Hydrogen Energy Unit (GHEU)
【Date and time】2020.12.21(Mon.)  13:30 ~ 17:20
【Place】Although originally scheduled to take place onsite, the event was changed to an online-only event held via Zoom.
【Main Theme】A Vision of the Future for Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy and Utilization of Big Data Science

GHEU Unit Leader Institute Professor Ken Okazaki gave a special lecture summarizing six years of the Global Hydrogen Energy Unit’s activities and detailing the outlook for hydrogen energy’s role in decarbonization. Professor Manabu Ihara (the consortium head) of the School of Materials and Chemical Technology then gave a presentation on future energy systems that will use hydrogen energy and big data analysis before the consortium’s upcoming activities were introduced.

Professor Masaharu Tsujimoto of the School of Environment and Society then reported on ecosystems research and the implementation of a hydrogen energy society. Professor Koichi Shinoda of the School of Computing later offered a report on the latest voice and image recognition techniques and big data analysis. During the question and discussion period, speakers and participants engaged in a broad discussion about the use of renewable energy and hydrogen energy from a big data science perspective and how to best develop the energy systems of the future.

If you wish to participate online, please register using the link below. You will receive Zoom connection information.

Please register for participation here

Check out details about the symposium and the event program here(in Japanese only)