Study Guide

Please see the study guide.

AY2024 Study Guide



InfoSyEnergy Energy Science Courses

This group of courses provides students from diverse undergraduate educational backgrounds with a multidisciplinary education on the subject of energy. In AY2016, Tokyo Tech established an energy-related interdisciplinary graduate major that spans multiple schools or departments, the Graduate Major in Energy Science and Engineering, offering both master’s and doctoral degree programs organized around the multidisciplinary energy science principle of reconstructing scholarly knowledge related to energy devices and systems based on similarities and differences through InfoSyEnergy Energy Science courses.

For further details, please refer to “Table A” in the study guide .

InfoSyEnergy Big Data Science Courses

This group of courses pairs lecture and practical exercise sessions that primarily focus on helping students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in the areas of data science (DS) and artificial intelligence (AI). In addition, students cultivate practical skills that go beyond the use of DS and AI as tools through exercise courses focused on big data science as it pertains specifically to the field of energy. By engaging in practical exercises using accumulated big data — acquired from sources such as the smart energy system that controls the energy devices in and around Tokyo Tech’s Environmental Energy Innovation Building, and various research on energy devices — students acquire the ability to adapt and apply DS and AI to the field of energy.

For further details, please refer to “Table B”in the study guide .

InfoSyEnergy Social Design Courses

In this group of courses, students acquire and cultivate the fundamental knowledge of and grounding in the social sciences they will need to design and drive the energy society of the future. In addition to lecture courses instructed by full-time Tokyo Tech faculty members, students can take New Business Creation, Energy Policy, and Energy Econometrics courses, which are established with the full cooperation of Hitotsubashi University. Fully supported by the Institute for Liberal Arts, InfoSyEnergy Social Design courses will help students develop their social skills, creativity, and humanity. For example, the courses will enrich their humanity through looking into humanities-related subjects such as labor and the redistribution of wealth in the age of AI, and the state of the law, the nation, and democracy in the information space.

For further details, please refer to “Table C” in the study guide .

InfoSyEnergy Practice Courses

In this course group, students develop their design thinking abilities by expanding on and synthesizing the scholarly knowledge they gained in the above three course groups. Students acquire the ability through exploring (interdisciplinary), crossing (transdisciplinary), and adding to (multi-disciplinary) the border between energy and information.
More specifically, students choose courses suited to their own career paths from the following course subgroups:

For further details, please refer to “Table D”in the study guide .

- InfoSyEnergy Product-service Design

In this course subgroup, students learn about subjects such as functional design and product architecture.

- InfoSyEnergy Policy-making Workshop

In this course subgroup, students learn about national policies — including energy policies and electric power policies — as well as how national policy is decided.

- Professionals and Value Creation

In this course subgroup, students develop multifaceted viewpoints by studying concrete examples of value creation and innovation from professionals with real-world experience as leaders of organizations such as foreign and domestic corporations, venture companies, NGOs, and NPOs.

In addition to having the above opportunities for practical learning, students can participate in research, development, commercialization, and social implementation on the frontlines.

- InfoSyEnergy Joint Research Projects

Students participate as research assistants (RAs) in joint research driven by teams of consortium member companies and multiple faculty members.

- InfoSyEnergy International Forum

As part of the curriculum, notable researchers from overseas partner institutions (primarily the world’s top 15 universities that are consortium members) and business mentors from consortium member companies will be invited to an international forum featuring reports on research outcomes, debates, and more. By engaging in exchanges and group work in the same room with students from overseas, students will cultivate a global perspective and international collaboration skills.

- InfoSyEnergy International Fieldwork

Students engage in fieldwork at foreign and domestic companies, municipalities, and other universities to gain real-world experience in settings where problems are occurring in real time. Through hands-on experiences in the field, students acquire workplace skills as well as problem-recognition skills.

InfoSyEnergy Outreach

“How will my dissertation research ultimately serve society?” To answer that question, students will strive for holistic and multifaceted insights into the social significance, value, and other aspects of their own research approximately a year before completing their doctoral dissertations. They will then prepare reports on their findings as the final assignment of their educational programs. These reports will be used to evaluate their level of humanities and social science abilities, and serve as a “stage gate.”
※InfoSyEnergy Outreach is a course of InfoSyEnergy Practice Courses.

For further details, please refer to “Table D”in the study guide .

Business and Overseas Mentorship System

The business and overseas mentorship system will help students develop multifaceted viewpoints. Every institutional member of the InfoSyEnergy Research and Education Consortium which includes companies and the world’s top universities program staff members will serve as business or overseas mentors.

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