[Finished] 4th InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration had been held on Sept. 28.

Japanese >

The 4th InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration will be held on Thursday, September 28th, 2023.
This time, in addition to research presentations by ISE students, we will have the time of research introductions by overseas ISE collaboration members and poster sessions by companies of domestic ones.
Participants will be limited for domestic and overseas ISE members (companies, research institutes, faculty members, and ISE students).
The event will be held on-site at Tokyo Tech. (Online participation is for only overseas members)
We look forward to the participation of many ISE members.

Registration is now being accepted at the following links: (Deadline: September 20th)
*ISE students are required to participate on-site.

Registration for On-site participation for domestic ISE members (companies, research institutes, faculty, ISE students) >>>Click here.

Registration for Online (Zoom) participation for overseas ISE members (universities, research institutions, etc.) >>>Click here.
