
Events by Year



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No Event.



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Date Event
2022/7/25 6th InfoSyEnergy Members-only workshop for Energy Research
2022/5/24 5th InfoSyEnergy Members-only workshop for Energy Research
2022/5/24 6th InfoSyEnergy Corporate Advisory Board Meeting






InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Energy Research

InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Energy Research will set a different theme for each session from the nine primal research fields of the consortium, and leading experts in the field will be invited from outside Tokyo Tech to give lectures, while faculty members of consortium will give lectures on their latest research in the field. In addition, a discussion session will be held with domestic and international researchers as panelists to survey the trends in research and social implementation.


InfoSyEnegy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration

InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration is a workshop for students who are candidates for The Tokyo Tech Academy of Energy and Informatics. It aims at promoting exchange between students and faculty members of Tokyo Tech and member corportations, overseas partners (universities and public institutions) and providing opportunities to the students for team-based collaborative research through their presentation of research theme and progress.


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2021/09/28 2nd InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration
2020/9/15 1st InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration

InfoSyEnergy Symposiums with special collaborations

The consortium cooperates with Tokyo Tech’s collaboration with foreign institutions and actively participates in joint events. It also forms cooperative relationships with overseas institutions individually and supports in holding symposiums aiming at solving energy issues from global perspectives.


InfoSyEnergy Public Symposiums

Public Symposiums feature themes that could be hints for solutions to the social issues on energy for not only consortium members but also general public and invite prominent experts from outside Tokyo Tech for giving lectures. Our faculty members provide easy-to-understand explanation on their respective fields of expertise to inform the general public about the activities of the Consortium. In general discussion, it will respond to opinions and questions regarding the themes and the contents of individual lectures from the participants.


InfoSyEnergy Corporate Advisory Board

The Corporate Advisory Board convenes participants from each partner institutions, Consortium officers (Consortium Head, managers, vice heads, and lead coordinators) and chief faculty members from nine research fields to report and announce the implementation status and future plans of consortium activities, as well as to explain details and inquire opinions individually on the primal activities.


InfoSyEnergy Review Session for Scenario on Future Energy

It was established to survey the trends among the partner companies on future energy in Japan and abroad, and to draw and publish unique scenarios as consortium through analysis and discussion.


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2021/4/15 1st InfoSyEnergy Review Session for Scenario on Future Energy